AHA Team Training Learning Center
AHA Team Training Learning Center

Welcome to AHA Team Training Learning Center

Join us in our Mighty Network to help transform teams of experts into expert teams.

About Us

Our mission is to foster a TeamSTEPPS movement that transforms teams of experts into an expert team. AHA Team Training educates, convenes and shapes hospitals, health systems and other related organizations to provide better team-based care. 

Our team focuses on helping health care organizations utilize TeamSTEPPS and other methodologies to create a culture of safety and provide better, more efficient team-based care. We do this through a national conference, courses, consulting, and community support.

Why You Should Join Us

We created this online platform to bring health care teams together. Especially in the current climate, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Our motto is to “give generously and steal shamelessly.”

We want you to get four key things from AHA Team Training:

  1. Get exclusive content and conversations you can’t find anywhere else.
  2. Connect with other health care professionals who share similar successes or challenges.
  3. Share stories, tools, content so we can become an expert team.
  4. Find a little inspiration, thought-provoking conversations, and expert perspective each and every day.

A Big Thanks

Thank you to our community of dedicated health care professionals who strive to create a culture of safety through better and more efficient team-based care. In a time of unprecedented change, we want to create a platform that foster collaboration and connections.